Publications Related to Micro Current Therapy and the Painmaster MCT Patch
Micro-Current Therapy is not a new medical technology. Not until the Painmaster Patch was engineered did a proper micro current therapy delivery system exhist. Our system takes years of proven research and makes it available to patients looking to supplement a current pain relief regiment, reduce prescription pain medication use, or completely switch to a natural alternative.
Independent Micro Current Therapy Publications
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Microcurrent Therapy
“No doubt healing of certain types of injuries is significantly accelerated by appropriate application of micro current…”
Clinical Research Using The Painmaster MCT Patch
“It was possible to demonstrate the effect of 10 μA direct currents on painful muscle hardening for treatment periods of 48 hours…”
Introduction to Microcurrent-Rossen 1989
“The stories of micro current use in the world of sports are many and even include Joe Montana’s remarkable comeback from back surgery…..”
MCT Introduction
“….micro current electrical therapy can be viewed as a catalyst helpful in initiating and sustaining the numerous chemical and electrical reactions that occur in the healing process…”
Microcurrent – Paul Davis
“Modern micro current therapy offers a simplified and non-hazardous method for modern practitioners to offer benefits of acupuncture stimulation to their patients”.
“A body of research indicates that micro currents can help “switch on” or accelerate cellular healing mechanisms. This therapy has earned a positive reputation for efficacy in pain management arid rehabilitation, and is reputed to offer patients longer carry-over effects than more intense milliamp stimulation…”
Painmaster study 269
“A new method is being recommended when electrical current therapy is indicated in cases such as painful muscular contractions, especially in the spinal area, arthritis and headache…”
Fibromyalgia Open Study
“A new method is being recommended when electrical current therapy is indicated in cases such as painful muscular contractions, especially in the spinal area, arthritis and headache…”